Author Archives: Dan Olmstead

About Dan Olmstead

I'm the NEWA Coordinator here at the New York State IPM Program. I work to provide online decision support to growers in NY and across the country for IPM and agricultural best practices.

Spring 2019 Rainwise updates

Rainwise Inc. and NEWA continue to build on a partnership that began over 15 years ago. Read this article to see what Rainwise can offer NEWA growers in 2019.

Benefits of linking a weather station to NEWA

The Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA) is part of the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (NYSIPM) at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, NY. NEWA is a collection of online insect pest and plant disease management tools built to provide growers with short-term crop risk assessments. Each tool or resource uses real-time weather data streamed from 600+ weather stations across the Northeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic United States and can be accessed at

Rainwise featured products and services

NEWA-compatible weather stations

Rainwise, Inc. offers their flagship model, the MKIII, to customers who want to link with NEWA. Customers connect to their online platform,, and then send a simple request to the NEWA Help Desk where the onboarding process to is completed.

To learn more or purchase a NEWA-compatible AgroMET MKIII flagship weather station, click here.

AgroMET & IP-100 Package platform

An AgroMET MKIII purchase includes the following standard features on

  • Data feed compatibility
  • Real-time data availability in the platform.
  • A weather summary page with local forecasts provided by The Weather Company.
  • Basic data downloads in CSV format.
  • Data feed options for Weather Underground, CWOP, PWS Weather, and Weather Flow.

Owners can purchase an optional $60 upgrade to a Pro subscription for $60, which includes the following:

  • Everything listed in standard features.
  • Detailed graph summaries.
  • Data reports.
  • Enhanced download features.
  • Customizable alarms.

Did you know these things about Rainwise?

  • Rainwise, Inc. was the first company to patent the ‘tipping rain gauge’ in 1976. Accurate precipitation measurements are critical for agricultural industries. As of 2019, 90% of all precipitation measurements are gathered in this fashion (Figure 1).
  • In 1981, Rainwise, Inc. invented the first digital weather station for consumers. In 1996, the company invented the first wireless consumer weather station (Figure 2). This was a breakthrough for agricultural applications.
  • Rainwise partners with The Weather Company and IBM to gather microclimate data. Such a partnership strengthens the technology provided to NEWA agricultural users.

figure 1

Figure 1. Rainwise tipping gauge patent circa 1976.

figure 2

Figure 2. Rainwise wireless consumer weather station circa 1996.

NEWA apple pollen tube growth model now available

A new model that helps apple growers precisely time thinning sprays during bloom is available in time for the 2019 growing season on the NEWA website. It is called the pollen tube growth model (PTGM).

Developed by Greg Peck, Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Cornell University, PTGM expands available apple management options for apple producers, helping those who use bloom thinning to increase the chances of ideal crop load at harvest.

Peck collaborated with researchers at Virginia Tech to adapt their existing PTGM model for use on the NEWA platform, linking real-time hourly weather data with pollen tube growth rates collected under controlled temperature conditions.

Apple varieties in the pollen tube growth model include Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Red Delicious, and Pink Lady.

An article by Peck and Olmstead was published in the Spring 2019 issue of Fruit Quarterly that provides instruction and technical information about the PTGM. It also describes the research, justification, and logic for model development. Click the link below to view a PDF version of the article.

Implementing the Pollen Tube Growth Model on NEWA

If you are a New York producer and have additional questions about the PTGM, reach out to your regional extension specialist to learn more about this model.

Table 2. NY apple extension specialists.

Affiliation Name
New York State IPM Program Julie Carroll
Cornell Cooperative Extension Lake Ontario Fruit Team Craig Kahlke
Mario Sazo
Cornell Cooperative Extension Eastern New York Horticulture Team Mike Basedow (northern NY)
Dan Donahue (Hudson Valley)

Outside of NY, get in touch with your NEWA state coordinator to ask about local extension resources, expertise, and applicability of the PTGM in your area.

Table 3. NEWA state coordinators.

Region Entity State coordinator
Connecticut University of Connecticut
UConn Extension
Mary Concklin
Massachusetts University of Massachusetts
UMass Extension
Jon Clements
Michigan Michigan State University
Enviroweather Program
Beth Bishop
Minnesota Minnesota Apple Growers Association
JP Jacobson
New Hampshire University of New Hampshire
UNH Cooperative Extension
Cheryl Smith
New Jersey Rutgers University
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Peter Oudemans
New York Cornell University | NEWA
New York State Integrated Pest Management Program
Dan Olmstead
North Carolina North Carolina State University
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Mike Parker
Ohio The Ohio State University
Matt Wallhead
Pennsylvania Penn State University
Penn State Extension
Rob Crassweller
Vermont University of Vermont
UVM Extension
Terence Bradshaw
Virginia Virginia Tech
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Mizuho Nita
540-869-2560 x33
West Virginia West Virginia University
WVU Extension Service
M.M. Rahman
Wisconsin University of Wisconsin
UW Extension
Amaya Atucha
All other regions Cornell University | NEWA
New York State Integrated Pest Management Program
Dan Olmstead


Julie Carroll Earns 2019 Excellence in IPM Award


Media contact: Jennifer Grant | Office: 315-787-2353 |

For photos:

Formidable Fruit Doyenne Earns Excellence in IPM Award

GENEVA NY, March 1, 2019: Dr. Juliet Carroll, Fruit IPM Coordinator, received an Excellence in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Award from the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (NYSIPM) at the Viticulture day of the B.E.V. (Business, Enology, Viticulture) conference in Rochester. NYSIPM develops sustainable ways to manage pests and helps people to use methods that minimize environmental, health and economic risks. The award honors individuals who encourage the adoption of IPM in their businesses, schools, communities, and farms, and who develop new tools and tactics for sharing these practices.

Vital. Invaluable. These are words used to describe Julie Carroll’s IPM contributions by her colleagues. Carroll spearheaded the expansion of NEWA, a website and network which allows growers to understand how the weather will affect fungal and insect pests, and takes the guess work out of their pest management strategy. Carroll ran NEWA for over a decade. Timothy Weigle credits NEWA’s growth in not only weather stations, but also the number of states participating, to Julie’s guidance. Under her leadership NEWA went from 45 weather stations in New York State to over 500 in 12 states. He notes further that her work on improving the user experience with the grape disease and grape berry moth models on NEWA, along with Wayne Wilcox and Greg Loeb, had an enormous impact on the implementation of grape IPM in New York.

Laura McDermott, Regional Extension Specialist in Hudson Falls, NY, noted Dr. Carroll’s passion for integrating pest management strategies, and called her “a determined perfectionist.”

Carroll also led the development of Trac software. Introduced in the early 2000s, the software simplified and digitized pesticide recordkeeping for large and small growers and processors alike. It allows farmers to input the information once, and generate customized reports for different processors. The software also includes reference to “IPM Elements” for grapes and other crops—a tool that helps growers assess their pest management practices. Grape processors across the state, including Constellation Brands, use TracGrape’s reports for their pesticide reporting requirements. Carroll built Trac software for five fruit crops, and partnered with a colleague to create TracTurfgrass for golf, lawns, sports fields and sod farms.

Luke Haggerty, of Constellation Brands, calls Carroll’s TracGrape software “a true breakthrough” in record keeping. As a Grower Relations rep for Constellation, he relies on information provided by NEWA: “Julie has always been very proactive in developing and delivering the products needed for our growers to produce grapes in an environmentally and economically sustainable way.”

Tim Martinson, Cornell Cooperative Extension Viticulture specialist, noted, “IPM is built on information and decision-making tools. Juliet has built TracGrape and NEWA into useful, practical tools for growers.”

Dr. Carroll also co-edited Organic Production and IPM Guides for grapes and several berry crops, and has regularly presented at Lake Erie Regional Grape Growers’ conferences and Coffee Pot meetings. She has conducted research on devastating pests such as the Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)—investigating whether hungry hummingbirds can provide meaningful control. Dr. Carroll has also chaired the Northeast IPM SWD working groups for the last decade, bringing research scientists, growers, industry reps, and extension educators from across the region together to help find solutions. Carroll has also helped fruit growers with bird management. Tim Weigle noted that her bird-scaring tactics have saved everyone a lot of money and are more popular than the traditional neighbor-alienating air cannon.

Learn more about Integrated Pest Management at