Trait Evolution

Plants have evolved certain traits that enable them to survive and diversify over time. The history of genetic and genomic changes that have led to or even enabled trait evolution is one of the major focuses of the lab. Currently, graduate students are investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying various interesting traits that have evolved multiple times in land plants including floral fusion (Heather Phillips), flower size (Jacob Landis), and stem morphology and its relation to plant height in palms (Ayress Grinage).

Former students also worked and continue to work in this area:

Dr. Joyce Onyenedum is investigating the evolution of vascular cambium variants associated with the liana habit in Sapindaceae as an Assistant Professor at New York University.

Dr. Jesus Martinez-Gomez is investigating the evolution of the Umbel, an inflorescence characteristic of onions (Allium) and amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae).  Jesús is now a postdoc with Ben Blackman at UC Berkeley and will be starting as an Assistant Professor at UC Santa Barbara in 2025.

Dr. Carrie Tribble is investigating traits associated with underground storage organs (aka tubers) and the development of Tubers across the order Liliales and more specifically in the genus Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae).  Carrie is now an assistant professor at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Dr. Adriana Hernandez is broadly investigating adaptive diversification and ecological evolution in California plants, including Calochortus, as the Associate Director for Research at the Jasper Ridge Biological Station of Stanford University.

Former (and in some ways ongoing) investigations in the lab focused on thermogenesis in Cycads and carnivory in the Caryophyllales.  Some aspects of the thermogenesis work continue to be carried out by former undergraduate researcher (2012) and postdoctoral researcher (2020-2023) Dr. Shayla Salzman, currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia.  The evolution of carnivory is being awesomely investigated by former graduate student Dr. Tanya Renner now at Penn State University.