Dr. Robin Dando on Reduction of Sweet Perception

Dr. Robin Dando was recently invited to discuss his work on sweet perception on the BFM Malaysia’s Health News Digest.  He answered the following questions…

  1. How does Gymnema Sylvestre reduce sweet perception?
  2. What did you find when you let participants with diminished sweet perception mix their preferred sucrose solution?
  3. Naturally, when would we experience a drop in sweet perception? Does it happen more in obese people?
  4. How can your study help us fight obesity?
  5. How does one’s sense of smell affect how much one eats? If I can’t smell as well, would I eat less or more?

To listen to the podcast, click on link below: https://www.bfm.my/sensory-and-social-influences-on-eating

Robin’s remarks start at 16 minutes 30 seconds mark of the podcast.

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