How to effectively market artisanal cheese, when selling online

Last year, we’ve collaborated with Oregon State University on a study that examined how specialty product information influences consumer purchase decisions online.  The research paper is out.

Some key highlights:

• When shopping online for specialty products (artisanal cheese), consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they see product photos, sensory descriptions and award stickers.

• For traditionalists (47% of the study population), the familiarity with cheese type is the key to their purchase decision.  This group is willing to pay more for traditional artisanal cheeses (e.g. brie, cheddar) when sensory descriptions and awards are present.

• There is another group of consumers, those who like to try new things (44%).  They prefer novelty cheeses (e.g. Coulommiers and Cantal) if they received an award.  The award sticker is the vote of confidence for that new product.

For full research paper, go to  How information leads consumers to select specialty foods when tasting is not an option – ScienceDirect

So, which one would you buy?

graphic from the Artisinal Cheese Study (courtesy of OSU)

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