Opportunities and Regrets

From all the advice Professor Schwarz gave, the number one thing I learned was that utilize all the opportunities you get and never have regrets. In the past, I remember having many opportunities and letting them slip because I was lazy or scared. Although I have taken advantage of more opportunities in university, I have continued to let opportunities slip away. In the future, I will attempt to take advantage of all the opportunities I receive. By doing this, I will also have fewer regrets. Regrets haunt me, and if I take advantage of the opportunities I receive and they don’t work out, at least I would not have regrets. Is it better living with the regret of not taking action and wondering what could have been or using an opportunity and it potentially not working out? You be the judge.

One thought on “Opportunities and Regrets

  1. I also really liked the part about taking all of your opportunities and not being scared. I also get nervous and scared and do not always take all of the opportunities given to me because I am afraid of failing. I am going to try harder to do thing outside fo my comfort zone so I do not have so many regrets.