What to do about Grad School

Last Thursday night I listened to the seminar about preparing for and applying to grad school. I am only a sophomore but I like to think ahead and be prepared. There was lots of great information and tips on how to make the process easier and how to choose which schools to apply to and which programs. My major here at Cornel sets me up to go into a streamlined program at Ithaca college for getting my Masters of Teaching in Agricultural Education. I really think that this that the program is something that I want to do. The program and my major are intertwined and so that would allow me to take all the prereqs that I need for the program there. If I get my masters in Ag Education then I can be an Ag teacher anywhere and I can work for Cornell Cooperative Extension offices anywhere. It just makes sense to do this so that once I get those entry level jobs I will be able to move up quicker and have jobs that require a masters. The program is roughly 13 months long, so I would be done fairly quick. Listing to this seminar gave me the chance to think about other schools and programs that have what I am looking for, but since my major at Cornell and the Ithaca program are working together so well and trying to make this process easier for people, it makes since to go there. If I went there I could possibly still live at home and make things cheaper for myself too. I enjoyed listening to this seminar as it really opened my eyes and kind of set in stone that this what I want to do and that I need to continue taking the prereqs.

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