Queen’s Gambit, Episode 5

Last Saturday, I watched Episode 5 of the Queen’s Gambit.  To be completely honest, this was my first time attending one of the Queen’s Gambit’s showings, and jumping in halfway through, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  However, I was still able to understand most of what was going on, and I still found it very interesting.  Maybe it’s time for me to go catch up on the other four episodes before the showing of Episode 6, so I can enjoy it even more!

I thought the short discussion after the showing was a good idea.  It wasn’t too long to feel intrusive; it was just short enough to make sure everyone was on the same page about what was going on in that episode.  We also clarified a few concepts during that time such as what a fork in chess is, which was pretty relevant considering it was the name of the episode.  Since it appeared in both a metaphorical and a literal sense during the episode, this clarification was very helpful.

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