Injustice and Incarceration

The talk about how mass incarceration can disrupt families and communities was eye opening for me. I was most struck by how cyclical the situation. Incarceration is for rehabilitation and deterrence. However, the opposite is actually true. Incarceration leads to more crime. I never thought about how much children are really affected by parental incarceration. Without parents they are less likely to go to school and eventually are more likely to go down the road to crime creating a cycle. I think the issue of incarceration is too big to be ignored. People are guaranteed freedom and when prisons are being run for profit and have quotas that go directly against that right. I’m honestly surprised that more action hasn’t been taken. I remember watching a documentary in high school which found the reforming the U.S. prison system was actually an issue that saw a lot of bipartisan support between groups that were on completely opposite sides of the political spectrum. It is an injustice for people’s freedom to be treated so nonchalantly especially when it can affect their families as well.

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