Excel Coloring

At first, I thought this workshop was going to just the usual coloring involving paper and coloring utensils, but I was really surprised to hear that we would be coloring through excel. I have used excel for many of my classes and have thought of it as a means to solve problems and organize, so it was really fun to see that it could be used for more fun activities. It was really difficult at first with the time limit because only one cell could hold a color that corresponded to the assigned picture and resulted in very blocky replicas of the pictures. However, it was a lot of fun and wouldn’t mind doing this again!

2 thoughts on “Excel Coloring

  1. I can really relate to your experience because my experience with excel has always been related to school work, like solving problems and making graphs. It was refreshing to use excel in a more creative way. I also enjoyed mixing different cells to create different colors because I didn’t even know that was possible.

  2. I agree that this activity was fun. I enjoyed mixing the different colors in order to get the right shades for my excel coloring.