As much as I think I know about America’s mass incarceration, I realize I have only seen the surface of it. Attending the eCornell Keynotes event on the criminal justice system, I had a only a peak into the reality that families across the country must live through. The reality of the tunnel that feeds black Americans into the prison system from the day they are born, the reality that the prison cycle will only continue because society doesn’t accept released citizens back into their community, the reality that the separation of inmate families only leads young children down a deeper hole towards incarceration. What we can do as students and citizens of this country is support prison systems in nurturing its men and women who are so close to the path of living free and well– it starts with being educated on the criminal justice system and working to support those who are suffering from its rippling waves.
I also think that the prison system needs immediate reform. I think its possible to have a good prison system that accomplishes its goals without creating a cycle of incarceration. Other European countries have shown that it is possible. Although there is definitely no perfect solution that will fix everything, I think the U.S. should strive more more improvement.