Study Sesh with the Scholars

I’ve just completed a nice study session on zoom with some other Rose Scholar participants. We used the Pomodoro method, which involves studying/working for 20 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break. This is a nice way to study, especially for someone who, like me, gets distracted easily. 20 minutes is a very doable amount of time to work and then one is rewarded with a nice break to stretch, move around, or scroll through social media. Usually I try to study for long periods of time but end up getting distracted and working very inefficiently. I think I will use this method more when studying on my own from now on.

One thought on “Study Sesh with the Scholars

  1. I am glad that you found the Pomodoro method to be helpful. I agree that studying for 20 minutes and take 5 minutes break are very beneficial because it helps us eliminate procrastination when we have tangible amount of times to focus on. I will also try to incorporate this method into my study routine as well. Thank you for the sharing.