Out in Nature

Surprisingly enough, I had never been to Fall Creek Gorge. It was such a nice day out, and I felt happy to be outside in the elements. Parts of the slope were very steep but I felt like I got a good workout in. It was such an odd experience walking to the bottom and looking up at the suspension bridge that I have walked over before. Even though I was still on Cornell’s campus, it was so quiet and still. I felt like I was far away from campus which is refreshing from the constant hustle and bustle on campus. I believe that nature is healing, as well as doing exercise, so spending half the day outside walking this trail was very fulfilling. Sitting and watching the water flow, and listening to the sounds of nature is something invaluable.

3 thoughts on “Out in Nature

  1. Disconnecting from civilization and connecting with nature is something that we as humans should experience once. Although I never actively went out to enjoy Ithaca’s nature (but I probably should before I graduate), I remember walking up Bear Mountain with my entire middle school, and learning more about nature from a firsthand experience and not from a documentary. It truly hits different when you encounter nature in person.

  2. I wasn’t able to attend this nature hike, but it sounds like it was an awesome experience. If you ever have a chance, its also worth visiting “Flat Rock” for a swim or the “Newman Arboretum” for a relaxing break from campus noise. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I’m glad that you enjoyed the experience. The nature that Cornell provides is something I truly cherish and enjoy considering how we are able to get an education at the same time. I haven’t been to that exact location myself, but it seems like a place to hike at some point while I am at Cornell!