Chernobyl Episode 3

I have been a huge fan of this show since I first saw earlier this year, but I can still never get tired of the show. There is always so much to impact in each episode. A theme that was really prevalent during this episode that stuck out with me was the theme of sacrifice for their nation. During the episode, miners were called in order to build a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger underneath the reactor and they all had to build the whole thing by hand. The risks for the task are immense and even though the miners were not guaranteed protection afterwards they accepted the task. In a way, they all agreed to sacrifice themselves to protect the Soviet Union. This concept is especially interesting to me since I am now taking a class on the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union and learned that this concept of extreme sacrifice for the greater good has been a theme amongst the inhabitants of the soviet union since its creation. It has been very interesting rewatching Chernobyl with a new perspective on the people.

One thought on “Chernobyl Episode 3

  1. I agree about the prevalent theme of sacrifice! I think this could be seen also through in the previous episode where the 3 men volunteered to drain the water tanks knowing they would be sacrificing their lives doing so. Very brave!