When I settled in on Friday night to watch the first episode of the HBO miniseries Chernobyl, I was not expecting how hooked I would become. By the time the episode ended, I was ready to start the next one immediately. What was most interesting about this film was that it showed the dramatic aftermath of an important historic event that is not often talked about. Before watching, I had not heard much about the Chernobyl disaster and thought it was a helpful and informative film as well as a dramatic and captivating one. The scene that struck me the most (spoiler alert!) was the final one, where the camera pans from some blissfuly unaware children to a pigeon who drops dead from radiation poisoning. I thought this scene really encapsulated that the outcomes of this horror would impact the community around it for a long time to come. Leaving the series open to continue its documentation in the next few episodes. The other thing I found most interesting about this movie was the color composition. Throughout the film the scenes remained dark with tones of black, gray, and white. This greatly contributed to the bleak circumstances of the film and communicated the overall tone to the audience. From the first scene, these colors showed me that this would not be a happy story.
I thought you brought up a great point with the colors of the movie. I did not think about the effect of the background colors while watching the movie, but I totally agree that the background did make the movie seem more ominous.