i just got back from this event, and i wanted to write about it now while it was still fresh on my mind. this was the second, discussion-style event i’ve gone to, and i liked this one even more than last week’s (side note: it’s funny how the weeks work with the rose scholar program. i did last week’s events on saturday and this week’s on monday. they’re two different weeks but only two days apart from one another. weird.) i’m going to start with the negatives and get them out of the way. i thought this event would’ve benefited from being longer. it seemed like the group got into its groove discussing the subject matter only to pack up and go soon afterwards. i’m not saying it needed to be four hours or anything, but maybe even another half an hour would have been beneficial. secondly, i thought the weakest part of the event was the part actually pertaining to the boxes. i liked the thought process with them, and it was fun to do something more interactive, but i think that the group had a lot of momentum going in its discussion and the the gendered boxes slowed that down a bit.
now the stuff that i did like. i was impressed with all the questions the moderators had prepared, they took the discussion to many interesting places, and it felt natural. i liked how small the group was as well. everyone had ample time to say what they thought about any particular issue brought up, and to the credit of everyone present, it didn’t feel like only a few of the people did most of the talking. i liked the subject matter of the discussion. as a white heterosexual male, i don’t face adversity very often, but that doesn’t mean that adversity doesn’t exist. i thought everyone in the group had a lot of wisdom and insight into the nature of gender inequality, and i was happy to hear all the different perspectives, as well as offer my own.
i’d give this event a 10/10 ten times. i really liked this one.