Terra Incognita

On Thursday, I had the privilege of watching “On the Verge” at Schwartz Theater. I had never heard about this play before and even while I sat waiting for it to begin, I only expected some humor and time traveling to happen. It turned out to be a play that follows the adventures of three women expolorers through their journey in “Terra Incognita” which ends up really being a their journey as they travel forward in time.

I took a lot from the play, including that it is okay to be in that “Terra Incognita” –or in that “unknown.” We do not always have to know where we are heading, what we will do next, where we will be tomorrow, or what our future will look like. Like the ladies in the play, we should be ready expect the unexpected and be open to whatever comes our way. While doing so, we cannot be holding on to the past because with time, we all change. In the play Fanny held on to her husband, writing to him daily, and that prevented her from fully enjoying the present. Another take away is that we do not always have to keep on going and going and going. If we find a place where we are happy in, why would you leave that? 2 of the 3 characters chose to stay in the 50s while the 3rd continued in time. Often, I feel like we do not like to pause and embrace the moment because we feel rushed to continue and find more. On the verge showed me otherwise. 🙂

One thought on “Terra Incognita

  1. Being in the Unknown, your post made me realize, is an amazingly exciting place to be. Wish I was there to watch the play, seemed like a great opportunity. Thank you for sharing!

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