Food on West Campus – Rose Cafe

This week, the guests at the Rose-Becker cafe were Paul Muscente and Chef Daniel.  They came to talk to us about food on West Campus.  I hadn’t known much about how food was dealt with on west campus before, or on campus in general, so this talk was very enlightening for me.  I learned that all of the dining facilities are looking to reduce waste and to increase nutrition for students.  One of the things mentioned was the new initiative to have people specifically serving meat, so that students will only get a small portion to start with.  I think this is a good idea, because I might occasionally take more meat, thinking I would really enjoy it, and then end up not liking it as much as I thought I would and having it be wasted.  It also encourages eating more vegetables and fruits and grains, which helps support a more healthy lifestyle.

I think it’s very important that we eat well at college.  I was a bit sad when I discovered that fewer desserts were being served at the dining halls, but I have noticed that it has prevented me from eating as much dessert as I might have before, which is good for me.  Cornell’s dining is one of the best in the country, and I am always happy to brag about the fact that the food is so varied and good here, while at most other universities, it is not.  It was very interesting to hear more about how this works and why we are as good as we are.

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