Creative Expression in Ithaca

As a Cornell senior, I have seen and experienced a lot of amazing things here in Ithaca which have greatly impacted me. That said, even as I approach the midpoint of my fourth and final year here in Ithaca, I realize that there are still countless places, activities, and things that I have not taken the time to appreciate. One aspect I, until last Saturday, had never stopped to fully appreciate was Ithaca’s public art scene.

Throughout the public art walk, I was completely blown away by the different pieces (primarily paintings) that filled various walls in both Collegetown and the Commons. What I found amazing, aside from the vibrant works of art themselves, were the powerful messages that the artists sought to communicate through them. As a musician, I similarly utilize the arts in an attempt to communicate my thoughts, ideas, or messages in a way that–I hope– will resonate with listeners. Therefore, I feel I was really able to  appreciate the pieces and their messages in a very meaningful way.

What is also really cool is the fact that anyone can propose to do a piece of public artwork here in Ithaca. This is awesome, because usually we get the sense that such opportunities are reserved solely for “actual” artists. That said, it would be awesome if some Rose House artists proposed to do a piece!


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