Domestic Violence Has Many Voices…They Aren’t The Same

During Cornell’s Mental Health Awareness Week, I attended two events that focused on Domestic Violence Awareness, typically celebrated in the month of October.

The first event I attended was hosted by sororities in the Multicultural Greek Letter Council – women of color. The second event was hosted by the Cornell’s Women Resource Center and the Voices of Planned Parenthood – predominantly white women. The feel of each event, the dialogue, the tone, and the topics were very reflective of those in the room.

Perhaps I identified more with one group than the other, but it that doesn’t change the significance of having these conversations, how efficient these conversations should be, and the hoped for outcomes. With Domestic Violence, these conversations should be fluid, conscientious of the many identities that are affected, and ways to make these spaces seem open. All in all, domestic violence is too touchy of a topic, and I believe that it is the job of the facilitator to address the many voices affected, in order to create a safe and aware environment.

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