The Frank story of Amy Winehouse

Last week I had the pleasure of watching Amy a documentary about the late Amy Winehouse. That night before I had pulled an all nighter and then proceeded to go to events through out the day. Luckily I had enough time to squeeze in an hour nap before the documentary started. The documentary was so dynamic that I did not want it to end, just like Amy’s life.

The documentary took us all the way back to the beginnings of Amy’s career. It was so fascinating to see how her relationships with men shaped her behavior and eventually her actions. There was so much about Amy that I did not know until I watched the documentary.


The parts of the documentary that stuck out the most to me was when Amy was interacting with her family and friends. Just seeing her outside of the spotlight behaving as any daughter, friend, and partner would carry on. In those moments I forgot about her battle with alcoholism, bulimia,and drugs. I even forgot about the media’s fascination with her lifestyle.

The most touching parts of the documentary were when you could feel the love that Amy had for her x-husband and her father. Even though those relationships were deeply unstable it felt like a dynamic that could be seen outside of hollywood. Amy’s love of music was contagious. You could just tell how passionate she was about her craft early on all the way to the end. I enjoyed the part where Amy records a song with her idol, Tony Bennett. She was behaving like a little school girl. She really did not want to mess up or waste his time, and she even wanted to call her dad and tell him. The documentary really showed me that she was just like everybody else.

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