The audience is alive…with the Sound of Music

I had never been to a movie at the theater where being loud was encouraged, not frowned upon, until this past Saturday when I went to the Sing-a-long Sound of Music at Cornell Cinema.

Instead of watching trailers before the movie started, one of the staff members led us in a warm up to get our voices ready and quizzed us on lyrics.  We then learned what to do with the goodie bag we were handed when we entered the theater.  We were instructed to wave the plastic white flowers during the song “Edelweiss”, pop the party popper at the exact moment when Maria and Captain Von Trapp kiss, and wave flashcards with different words and pictures on them during other songs.  In addition, we were told to chant “Maria! Maria! Maria!” as the camera zooms in on her after minutes of scenery shots, “hiss” the Baroness when she appears on screen, use hand motions during the song “Doe, a dear…”, the list goes on.

I thought the enthusiasm would die out by the end, given that the movie is three hours long, but the audience kept with the motions, props, and singing the whole time.  I’ve been watching the Sound of Music since I was a child, and my elementary school chorus sung the songs one year, so I know all the words, but I had no idea that so many people loved the Sound of Music!  It was truly impressive to hear the whole theater belting out “My favorite things,” “I am 16, going on 17”, and of course, “The Sound of Music.”

This event was very fun, and I learned that Denise was in a production of the Sound of Music, so she really knows all the words!  I highly recommend going to a film/musical with audience participation if you haven’t been to one yet!

5 thoughts on “The audience is alive…with the Sound of Music

  1. This brings back so many childhood memories! The Sound of Music was a favorite and I will never forget the lyrics “Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long long way to run…” I definitely should go to a singalong one day!

  2. This sounds like so much fun, I really wish I could have gone! The Sound of Music is one of my all-time favorite movies. I hope Cornell Cinema has another sing-a-long next year!

  3. Awww this sounds so fun! I love The Sound of Music (and sing alongs in general). I really wish I could have gone, hopefully there will be another similar event in the future!

  4. When I was debating whether to go to this event I also feared the possibility that the audience would not be enthusiastic all the way through and so I decided against it. Apparently, my fears were unfounded because, as you describe, the event was fantastic and everyone participated wholeheartedly! I will make sure to attend any similar event in the future.

  5. It’s so comforting to know that a musical this old has remained a classic. I feel like a lot of entertainment these days are caught up in the present and focus on the futuristic aspect. It’s nice to just go “back in time” to simplicity and fun, upbeat musicals!

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