Random… with a plot

Thursday night I attended a play at the Schwartz performing arts center called On the Verge. I was excited to see this play because it was billed as a comedic play about 3 Victorian women who time traveled! It sounded like it would be very funny, and I was not disappointed. Though, when I entered the theater I was surprised to see how close we’d be sitting to the stage, but this turned out to be a good thing as it made the play seem more realistic.

For this performance, they did a really good job with the set, sound, and lighting. Much of the performance appeared very real. I seemed to be simply accompanying them on their journey, and could imagine the characters and I were in the actual setting (which was basically all over the place). The actors were also very good! most of them were students here at Cornell which I thought was pretty cool, and there was one older lady who joined the cast as well.

My favorite character was probably Fanny. I found her actions to be the funniest, and every time it was her turn to speak I found myself paying more attention. In my opinion, the best part of this play was when the Yeti made an appearance! But to be honest, the whole play was very comical. I don’t think I could have put together something as random as that, as well as funny. With this play, you never knew what was coming next, it was surprise after surprise!

I thought the play was very good, it certainly made me laugh a lot! I hope the other students who attended enjoyed it as much as I did!

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