
I walked into the Self-defense workshop low in energy and not really wanting to be there. Once the instructors began, I automatically felt the switch in energy. From the stances we made, to the quick, jerky moves against an invisible attacker, I gained energy.

Disclaimer: I will sound crazy.

But the energy was coming centrifugally. At one point I felt from the pit of my stomach warmth radiating. This of course, could’ve been a placebo effect since the instructors did tell us that we would be pulling energy from the center. What ever it was, I caught myself realizing that I can do this all the time (not only for self-defense).

When I wake up in the morning and can’t seem to get out of bed – Just practice pulling central energy.

When I don’t want to do work or I’m stuck on a problem – Just practice pulling central energy.

This short, but powerful workshop enlightened me to all I have to offer myself. A hidden potential energy. A physical shift.

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