
A flower grows from beneath a blanket
Of fine and purest white
It reaches toward the sun for warmth,
For heat and for the light

My love for you grows stronger still,
Despite the surrounding cold
My heart is yours, bartered gone
For yours has it been sold

Its petals shine from morning dew
Its stem grows stiff and strong
It stands strong through the freezing cold
It stands the winter long

I long for you, for your soft touch
I miss the way you smile
The longer that we stay apart
The longer every mile[…]

when i read this poem i think about my mother. i miss my mother, and it is safe to say, i do, in fact, love my mother. it’s been quite some time since ive been home, and my mom has been the warm sun above my flower-blanket for some time.

but why do i love my mother?

she raised me, she taught me that the only bounds that i couldnt touch were the ones i thought i couldnt reach– she lead me to follow my dreams and to try things wholeheartedly, with headstrong gumption and passion. this is what im missing in my life now, here, alone. my mom is wind beneath my wings; the push to my pull. she taught me more than to be a decent human being, but also one with a passion to try new things and help those in need. and maybe, just maybe these are the reasons i love my mother. maybe it’s because she wanted me to grow, she wanted me to be all that i could, and knew; in her heart, that i could.

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