Dining at Cornell

At the Becker-Rose Café on November 4th, associate director of West Campus dining, Paul Muscente, and Chef Daniel Czebiniak of Rose House shared with us how Cornell dining operates to provide the best dining service to students at Cornell. Cornell Dining is consistently ranked in the Princeton Review’s top ten for best campus food among all colleges and universities in the country. A few days prior to the Becker-Rose Cafe, Cornell was actually honored to be the best university dining in the state of New York and among the top 10 national-wide. I am grateful to have such pleasant dining service at the college I attend. I think it is superfluous that students enjoy their meals so that they can acquired all the nutrition they need for staying healthy and maintaining the brain power for productive studying.

It was very interesting to learn that Cornell obtains fresh ingredients from nearby farms as well as from our plantations. Cornell also strives for dining sustainability. This means the dining services look into ways to reduce potential food waste and also promoting food compost . From the cafe, I also learnt about the reusable coffee mug program, in which you buy a reusable coffee mug from Cornell Dining and you can purchase any coffee size using that mug at a price of a small-sized coffee. As a coffee lover, the program would not only allow me to save some bucks over the year, but it also helps me to be more environmentally friendly. With this initiative, I would no longer be wasting a coffee cup every time I buy a coffee. Last but not least, I found out that if If a student has food allergies or food intolerance, or require special meals, the Cornell dining service can make special arrangement for them. Cornell Dining cares so much about the students, the environment and the local community, no wonder why it is ranked one of the top dining services in the U.S.

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