Cornell Dining: Moving Forward

It was really interesting to hear about how the dining system functions here at Cornell. The cafe gave me a better perspective on the decisions that the chefs make and why.

The talk helped highlight what makes the dining system great. The most important aspect to me is that each chef is able to prepare his own menu for each day which gives students a lot of variety day in and day out. Also, the chefs show their appreciation by making specialty days and creating amazing house dinners for us. Another aspect that sets our dining apart is the chef’s responding and adding in what student’s want.

The chefs also highlighted some of the health initiatives they have such as limiting the amount of protein (even though you can ask for more). There have been very displeased reactions to this. Some of the complaints have a basis and other don’t.

One thing I think  being lost is a sense of personal responsibility in your health and what you eat. Putting deserts in low traffic areas and limiting the number of deserts are great ideas because they will almost surely help improve the diets of Cornell students. I feel like the focus on these things is justified even if it can feel like they are coddling us. In the end, choices aren’t being taken way. The dining room should be set up in a way that emphasizes healthier diet options without forcing certain diets.

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