From Tables to Fitzgerald

Before I went on the Flora Rosa tour, I didn’t even know the Rare Manuscript Collection in Olin existed. From ancient tablets to books signed by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the variety and history of this collection is magnificent.

Here is some of the highlights shown to us during the collection:

-A rare book with all of Shakespeare’s plays, which was last sold for 5.8 million!

-A copy of a document with Abraham Lincoln’s signature on it.

-A copy of Charlotte’s web signed by author who is Cornell Alumni!

-An admissions recommendation to Cornell by Mark Twain! (The person got the job) (How could they not?)

Overall, I would say that the experience was an educational and interesting one. I would definitely recommend a visit!

One thought on “From Tables to Fitzgerald

  1. I would love to visit the rare manuscript collection! Do you happen to know if they are open to the public?
    On side note, I think you forgot to categorize your blog post

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