A Scoop into Campus Dining

I didn’t realize how much work is actually put into feeding thousands of students on campus, three times a day everyday. Not only does Cornell Dining have to ensure that there is always something to eat for everyone and anyone with dietary restrictions for any course of the meal, but also that there are healthy options out there for us, even if it’s not what some of us are looking for. Chef Daniel mentioned that the goal is to push every meal toward a certain proportion on a plate, with protein being the smallest and veggies the largest. This is not just to ensure that we are leading a healthy lifestyle, but also so that we are more sustainable with our waste.

With so much work being put into our diet, I think many of us forget how lucky we are to have one of the top campus dining systems in the US. We are privileged to have a plethora of options offered to us everyday, to have veggies, meat, fruits and desserts at every meal!


One thought on “A Scoop into Campus Dining

  1. I’ve never really thought that much effort went into all the food prepared. Now that you mention it though it makes sense because there are always so many vegetable options and not as many meat so it makes sense that they’re pushing us toward eating more veggies. It’s awesome that Cornell cares this much about its students to make sure we’re all eating full and balanced meals.
    Side note: You didn’t categorize your post, so you may want to do that 🙂

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