Learning about the Inspiration behind Marshall Curry

This dinner was an insightful time in my Rose Scholar experience. It was my first time in having dinner with a guest speaker for the Rose Scholars. It was great to see the personal story of what it took for him to be where he is. I always find those type of discovery stories encouraging and adding to my dream to become a prominent scientist in the world. It amazed me in how much hard work he took to get to his position as an award winning director of documentaries and how technology history had shaped his career as well.

Mr. Curry had started at a small working in a radio station and realized over time that he was interested in making a story of sorts and wished to put the skills he gained to take a documentary. His most important documentary was made on an election that had powerful characters and made the documentary successful. Mr. Curry had shared that he had filmed his documentary with a small camera and no other fancy equipment. He thought that his film would be shown to his family and few friends but never imagined it being shown at a prominent film festival. His passion for documentaries had no expectations for rewards and it was more like they followed him.

I have seen some documentaries and like it how the stories are real in that every emotion you feel as the viewer is more or less the emotions captured in the character at the time. Documentaries take an unique angle on giving the honest stories of people in their adventures. This was almost the same thoughts that Mr. Curry supported in his talk over dinner and could be seen in his documentary that he is working on a guy who traveled to find his manhood.

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