A Fall-Themed Stress Reliever

This event was a nice opportunity for sit down and just take a breather in the midst of all the prelim craziness. While I must admit that it didn’t teach me much I didn’t already know about stress and taking care of myself, I did get to carve a pumpkin, which I found to be an excellent way to destress. It was also incredibly refreshing to sit with friends and NOT talk about school. I really don’t do that often enough, and this event was a reminder that I shouldn’t feel guilty about doing so in the future.

*Update* My pumpkin is dead. RIP.




4 thoughts on “A Fall-Themed Stress Reliever

  1. I’m glad you had the opportunity to not discuss school. I like how symmetrical your pumpkin is. Art has so many functions. It’s not only beautiful, sends a message, but is also therapeutic. I find that another great way to destress is to look up Trump compilations.

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