Squash Carver Extraordinaire

Unfortunately, it never occurred to me to take any picture of my pumpkin, but be assured it was the greatest in the world. Though it got a little moldy, so I let it sit outside under a nice tree. So now if you see a jack-o-lantern between Rose and Becker, you know who put it there. Unless that’s against the rules, or something. Then I had nothing to do with it…

The self-care workshop was definitely a great time. A CAPS counselor from Gannett came and talked to us about some ways we could help manage our stress. Given that it was around the first set of prelims, I think the advice was very welcome. It seemed the tip she stressed the most was to get a full eight hours of sleep. We’ve all heard it before, but it really is simple. Although I am happy to say, I always get at least seven and a half hours!

As for my pumpkin, it wasn’t actually that great. I cut myself with the children’s carving tool within a minute. Once that was all cleaned up, I promptly broke the tool on accident. Somehow, I did eventually get through carving the pumpkin, and made some friends in the process. So in the end, it was a great way to relieve some stress and just get away from my homework for a little while.

One thought on “Squash Carver Extraordinaire

  1. Walker, I noticed your pumpkin outside of Rose! Not too bad for your first pumpkin carving! I recommend you attend this week’s Rose-Becker Cafe series for your requirement.

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