What the frack?

Last week during the Environmental Panel, one of the main issues that was addressed was “fracking”. “Fracking” or, as it is scientifically known, hydraulic fracturing is the process of using pressurized water to create fissures deep underground so that natural gas can be extracted from rock. “Fracking” has become a very controversial topic especially in NY because even though there are many economic benefits, there are also many environmental consequences. I am of the belief that there should be no fracking. The main reason I am against fracking is the effect it has on the farmers or whoever lives on the land surrounding where the fracking takes place. First off, while the people are paid a great deal of money for the frackers to use their land, many of them do not know what to do with their new found wealth. This leads to them blowing a large portion of their money on outlandish purchases and then they are back to where they started. The target market for fracking companies are poor communities because when shown a contract for a large amount of money, it is simply an offer they cannot refuse. Another reason that I am against fracking is the environmental harm that it causes. There are many cases where people’s tap water is actually flammable (See youtube video below). If there was a process where the gas can be extracted in an environmentally friendly way and where once the people get paid there would be a financial adviser assigned to help them budget their money, then I would be fine with the process, but until then no fracking.


4 thoughts on “What the frack?

  1. Yes, this is a very controversial issue. Thanks to Andrew Cuomo, there is a ban on Fracking in New York State. I feel very sorry for those who cannot even drink their own water. I wonder how they take showers???

  2. Although I had heard the term “fracking” before, I wan’t really aware of what it was until the environmental panel. Thank you for posting the video, as it demonstrates how disturbing and dangerous it is. I wonder if those who adamantly support fracking are aware that their tap water can potentially end up being flammable.

  3. Fracking is does such great environmental harm that I think is severely downplayed in a lot of instances! I think your video shows just how dangerous fracking can be. No one deserves to have their water contaminated by gas companies who couldn’t care less. I’m really happy the state of New York has a ban but I am curious to say if this ban will remain in place for long.

  4. Fracking is definitely a serious issue, that posts many potential threats to, not just the neighborhoods around the fracking sites, but basically everyone. We may need that technique to empower our power supply, but it should be used when we are able to engineer a better technique such that the environmental and social harm is minimized.

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