Take a Break

This event was lots of fun and allowed me to step away from my work and do something I love: carving pumpkins.  As a kid, I carved pumpkins every year with my family, so when I saw the workshop description I knew I wanted to attend it.

In addition to carving pumpkins, we heard from Sarah Rubenstein-Gillis who is a counselor for CAPS at Gannett.  She told us that carving pumpkins is a great use of our time because it is important to de-stress and do something relaxing regularly to stay emotionally healthy.  She also informed us of the wide selection of resources on campus to help students deal with large and small issues.  I had heard about all the resources before (Let’s Talk, CAPS, etc.), but what I didn’t realize, was that you don’t have to have a huge problem to seek out these resources.  They are open to everyone, with any problem that they want to talk to someone about, no matter how small.

Take away message from this event:  Don’t forget to do something you enjoy regularly.  You’re not a machine.  You have to take a break from work sometimes.

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