I Love My Body

For a long time I thought that loving your body meant accepting that very few people look like the perfect slim “sexy” bodies portrayed in the media. And while this is true, and important, it’s not all there is to it. Later I learned that loving your body also means filling yourself nutritious, healthy foods, making time for fun, stress relieving exercise, and giving your body and mind a break every now and then. This means getting enough sleep, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and doing physical activities that you enjoy.

In the bustle of a semester at Cornell it is easy to neglect these things, but this workshop reminded me to love my body and to make time for these things. It also reminded me to be honest and positive towards myself.

I really enjoyed the exercise at the end where we had an opportunity to draw a picture of ourselves and pick out the things we liked about ourselves. It was a really positive way to end the workshop.

One thought on “I Love My Body

  1. That exercise at the end sound like a fantastic way to make people really reflect on parts they like about themselves, since it’s so easy to pick out things that we don’t like. I wish had time to go to this event!

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