A Series of Unfortunate Events: Amy Winehouse Edition

Before Thursday, I really didn’t know much about Amy Winehouse. I remember the media coverage when she died, but I hadn’t listened to her music or followed her story -I was simply too young.

The documentary changed all of that. Amy Winehouse was an absolutely incredible person.

Amy Winehouse

The cinematic work followed Amy Winehouse from the age of 14 to her death at 27. She had an amazing voice, a true passion for jazz, and wisdom beyond her years according to those closest to her. She was a raging alcoholic and drug abuser, as well as a daddy’s girl. She hated the paparazzi more than almost anything and the media destroyed her concept of relationships. I didn’t know any of this information, but I could have without having seen any documentaries at all. Everything that ever happened to her is in her music, a rare thing for today’s music.

Her music is the heart wrenching and real and horrifying and beautiful, but was it worth her life? Because it was eventually her music that destroyed her. She couldn’t handle and didn’t want the fame, despite the immense wealth it brought her. She wanted to sing – not be stalked by paparazzi. The fame caused her to become an alcoholic and drug abuser, along with being bulimic and in a very unhealthy relationship with her eventual husband. She needed rehab, but she “aint got the time” and her “daddy thinks” she’s fine. She became an symbol of fame that her dad and husband weren’t willing to relinquish long enough to get her help.

The most unfair thing about her life was how the paparazzi and media used her over and over again. They relentlessly tore after her and not even death ended it. The documentary was heavy with the message ‘the media killed her,’ but yet they created even more media about her after her death. She was taken advantage of in the grave as her father, husband, and ‘close’ friends undoubtedly profited making videos about her. The documentary itself is a sham and deserves no recognition.

For those of you now interested in Amy Winehouse, I beg you – Let Amy rest in peace. Just listen to her music and you’ll know everything that Amy was at all the points of her life, no media needed. I’ve inserted a few of my personal favorite songs below.



4 thoughts on “A Series of Unfortunate Events: Amy Winehouse Edition

  1. Amy Whinehouse was a beautiful singer, even if she wasn’t the best role model. Fame always comes at a price, and I wish there would have been some instance where she had gotten the proper help that she needed in order to save herself and still be with us today.

  2. Emma, your blog post is very well-written. I respect your opinion of Amy and the documentary. You took a very mature stance towards her life and the people who affected it. So often people say that it is a packaged deal – paparazzi and the like go along with the desire to want to touch the lives of many. While some do strive simply for the fame, it sounds like Amy did not. I, myself, also did not know very much about her life and her music, so I appreciate you sharing your favorites as part of your post.

  3. Such a beautiful article about Amy Winehouse! I haven’t listened to much of her music, but some of my personal favorites of hers are “Rehab,” “You Know I’m No Good” and her rendition of “Valerie” is especially great!

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