A Gorges View

I can’t believe that in my entire freshmen year I had not once visited the single handedly most beautiful place on campus.  The Cascadilla Gorge was not only beautiful in the early morning light, but immensely fascinating and full of knowledge.

I had a similar belief to our guide that right angles and straight lines just do not exist in nature, and it was amazing to hear that the gorge is in fact not man made in any way. The photo below is an awesome example of these almost perfect lines and right angles, although if I remember correctly this erosion was actually caused by a storm drain and not natural rainfall or water.



I’m really glad that I got the opportunity to see such an amazing feat of nature and I’m sure I’ll go back there plenty of times in the future.  The one thing I really took away from this was that I’m very grateful to go to school at a university that cares this much about the surrounding environment and nature itself.  Thanks Cornell for spending all that time to repair the path on the gorge.  I definitely think it was worth it and hopefully more students and locals go check it out, because it truly is inspiring.


And for anyone’s enjoyment, I’ll just add some more photos that I took on the gorge hike below:

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