Close to Home, But a World Away

I’ve been looking for an excuse to take a hike for the longest time now, so the  decision between spending my Saturday morning studying and strolling through a scenic gorge was virtually non-existent.

Procrastination and natural beauty? I think, yes.

To start, we really couldn’t have asked for a better day, and while aesthetically the walk was all I could have asked for and more, the tour deviated significantly from what I expected. I’m thankful that it wasn’t a lecture on the flora and fauna (There’s a reason why I’m not in plant science….) and even more so that we weren’t turning over rocks to goggle at the creepy-crawlers underneath (ew). Instead, we focused on the big picture, discussing the plate tectonics that brought us such a structure, as well as the manner in which Cornell came to acquire and refurbish the trail. Walking down those stairs into the gorge was, literally, transformative, and I still find it hard to believe that all that is just a few feet away from the well-travelled road to Collegetown…..even if or entire walk was done to the tune of Lambda’s darty…..

When all is said and done, I learned a lot about our campus, and gained new respect for just how special Cornell truly is…

OH, and I got a killer Insta out of it, so there’s that.

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