Ithaca Really Is Gorge-ous…

Cascadilla Gorge 9-26

One of my favorite things to do is be immersed in nature. I’ve recently found that I love to hike because it provides me with a natural outlet, allows me to be connected with the Earth I live on, and is an overall great form of exercise. This hike was my first visit to Cascadilla Gorge and am quick to say that it is among one of my favorite places around campus.

Its so peaceful and the sunlight peaks through the trees, exposing just the right amount of light. One thing I noticed was that there was a stone bench just to the right of the waterfall- a place I know I’ll be visiting often when I’m living in Collegetown as a place to wind down, sip a chai latte from CTB, or just catch up with friends.

When the tour guide introduced Cascadilla Gorge, I was shocked how much the water levels receded and how much calmer the waterfall is in today’s day in age. Something that still mind-boggles me is that the overpass sits so perfectly on the two sides of the gorge… Over time, I’m curious how the weathering and erosion will affect this bridge.

Overall, I’m extremely happy that Cascadilla Gorge will remain in existence for a long while rather than being a forgotten memory… I’ll now be spending many breaks around the area.

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