Absorbing Knowledge & Food

There is a militant connotation that comes with the word “feminism.” Being a feminist does not mean you are an angrily opinion woman who hates men. It means you support equal rights for women. It was nice to sit down with other students and discuss feminism and address some of the stereotypes. We mentioned how certain celebrities address feminism, but they are sure to make the distinction that they are not radical feminists so that they maintain their fan base for marketing purposes. Katy Perry said, while accepting an award for 2012 Woman of the Year, “I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women.” Isn’t that what feminism is?

In conclusion, I really enjoyed having an intellectual conversation about this topic with so many well-educated students. I met so many great people and I would definitely recommend that everyone stops by one Thursday from 6 to 7:30 in the Rose Common Room!

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