Journey to Pepper Land

Going to the Pepper Party this past Saturday was a really fun experience for me because not only did I finally go to the Plantations but I also learned some interesting facts about peppers that I didn’t previously know. The first stop in the journey to Pepper Land involved some rain and some really nice scenery along the way. Once we arrived at the Plantations, we went inside the Nevin Welcome Center and that’s where I tried this chocolate mixed with pepper and also some nachos with some pepper-mustard dip. I kind of felt that the pepper took away some of the chocolate flavor, but the pepper-mustard dip was really good.I went to a couple of booths but my favorite one was this one where you had to match the peppers on display with the names on a sheet. The peppers each had a letter assigned to them and when you matched all the peppers correctly with the names on the sheet, the letters spelled “YOU ARE RIGHT”, which I thought was interesting. I also went to the “Southwest USA ” and “Hungary” food stands and they had really great food. Overall, I think that the trip was fun and a really great experience.

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