Rose Cafe 9/23

This week at the Rose Cafe our guest was Professor Cheyfitz, who came to speak to us about the current Native American experience in the United States.  I knew some of the things he told us about — how many Indians are in extreme poverty, that very few of them go to and graduate college, etc.  But he told us about the actual figures of poverty, education, death rates, and these figures were quite shocking, even with a small amount of background knowledge on the subject.  After attending this talk, I felt that my knowledge of American Indians was severely lacking, and that that lack of knowledge was unacceptable in this day and age.  I know that there are people with a similar lack of knowledge, but to realize how much is glossed over in our middle and high school educations is unbelievable.  I think that in my last 3 semesters at Cornell I definitely want to take a course about Native Americans to enrich my knowledge on the subject and to know more how I can help.

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