The Faces on the Wall

Unfortunately I am not as cultured as I appear to be, so this was my first art show and reception ever (yes I have been to art museums).  It was a pretty cool event.  I mean, I guess anything can be pretty cool when there’s free wine involved, but that’s not the point.

I didn’t really know what type of art to expect when I got there, so I was pretty impressed to see some of the details in Nicholas Carbonaro’s work, especially his artistic style.  The vibrant colors definitely add emotion to all of the pieces.  I’m intrigued by the different emotions present in the different faces.  Most of them resemble exactly how I feel now that it’s prelim season.  Maybe that’s why…


Check out the dopeness of some of this work below:



This lady is a bit scary.  I can’t tell if she’s angry, or just finished an intense pilates workout.







I asked Nicholas about this picture in particular.  His response wasn’t really what I expected.  He said some of the inspiration behind the work was the many different directions that students go after they graduate.  I didn’t really get it.




She looks like she’s not in the mood to be bothered.





This guy.  He looks really worried or scared.  He’s also making the same face that I do when I call Wings Over Ithaca just to find out that they are closed.  Why answer the phone?!




I guess he (or she?) is sitting on top of the world.  Boss status!





I am really impressed by this sculpture.  The detail is impressive, especially the contrast with the face on the bottom right that’s upside down.





I don’t really like this one.  It’s weird and scary.

2 thoughts on “The Faces on the Wall

  1. I really wish I could’ve gone to this event! I was looking at the art on the walls during Rose House dinner. I am a big fan of bright colored art and his work appeals to me. I can definitely relate to the photo Nicholas described as the “many different directions students want to go as they graduate”. I see that the eyes can represent all the different “visions” we have. Sometimes we want to do so much in one lifetime and just as having four eyes is unrealistic, having too many visions is as well.

    By the way, whenever insomnia cookies is closed, my face looks a lot like your “hot wings” face.

    • “Sometimes we want to do so much in one lifetime and just as having four eyes is unrealistic, having too many visions is as well.”

      Awesome interpretation! I couldn’t make the connection between the different paths people travel and the four eyes. Your comment definitely helped me understand his view on the piece a bit better.

      Thanks for commenting!

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