a pepper party / preceeds precipitation / procures flavortown

For my very first expedition with Rose this weekend, I decided to venture into what I thought was my specialty. Handling the spicy world, enduring the heat, that are, peppers.

Now, I must preface this post with the fact that I had a very stuffy nose, as most of my scholarly colleagues at the time also did.

So we arrive, and gain access to 6 different pepper stations of our choosing– I map out my flight path: Mexico, China, Spain, Hungary, Thailand and good ole’ USA.

I grab Mexico and scarf it down, “This is easy enough,” I thought to myself as I stepped up to the China pepper station and dowsed my plate with Sriracha.

By the time i got to Thailand, my nose was running–no–sprinting down my shirt.  Luckily the rain provided me with some cover, dampening the entirety of my shirt. Regardless, the food was delish.

Long story short, the pepper party managed to clear my nose out completely, and in a spicy-sweet sense of irony; sweet, sweet relief ensued.

Oh, and I almost forgot– I got this very fashionable souvenir as an earpiece:

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All in all, a quirky fun time. Nodding wistfully to the Pepper Party, after my reception back into the Rose Founders’ closet (my affectionate name for my room), I cooked up some ghost pepper ramen and called it a day. A wonderful day indeed.



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