

Before House Dinner this past Wednesday, Nicholas Carbonaro was kind enough to display his artwork on the walls.

This was my favorite piece of Carbonaro’s (pictured above). It was called “Refugees”. It stood out to me, because of the relevance it has to the current events in the news. Many ordinary Syrians have been uprooted and forced to leave as a result of IS, and I feel like this piece represented that.

The faces in this piece appear to be floating in disorienting placeless-ness. The only color used was a dirty beige. In my opinion, Carbonaro, titled this piece perfectly. The current refugee crisis in Syria has displaced more than 4 million people. Men, women, and children have fled everything they know, and much like the faces in the piece, are floating with nowhere to call home. I took the flat color of piece as a symbol for the stripped emotions and toiling migration of innocent people.

I was unable to ask Carbonaro if the recent events in Syria influence his creation. Regardless, it speaks volumes about any refugee crisis that has happened.


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