The Story Behind the Painting


On Tuesday, Flora Rose dining hall was transformed into a mini art museum, complete with orchestra music and an assortment of wines and cheeses for a classy ambience.  The artist in the spotlight, Nicholas Carbonaro, graciously contributed several pieces of his artwork to be put on display until the end of October.

Carbonaro’s works consisted of a mixture of sculptures, paintings, and even masks.  There was an overall theme with humans as the focal point, but the unique pieces were created from various materials; one piece even incorporated a handmade paint paste with chilli seeds.  The piece that intrigued me the most was a mixed media work with an oil-based painting behind an actual door frame.  I was able to ask Carbonaro about its significance and he informed us that it symbolized the freedom and independence one has in his or her own home.  The figure in the painting donned an eccentric outfit and a confident expression.  Carbonaro explained that the inspiration was drawn partly from himself because in the comfort of his own home, he is able to wear and do whatever he wants without the judgment of others.  The door in the foreground seems as if to say “Welcome to my home, if you don’t like it you don’t have to step inside.”  Carbonaro also shared that the door used in the piece was an actual door from a friend’s house that he refurbished and made into a frame.  The captivating colors and background story made this piece my favorite of the evening.

Seeing this art exhibit made me reminisce about my art days in high school.  Although I mainly concentrated on photography, seeing Carbonaro’s work made me miss the creative outlet I once had.  I have been on a year-long hiatus and the art show inspired me to consider picking my camera back up.

One thought on “The Story Behind the Painting

  1. I’m glad you asked the artist what the painting symbolized/ portrayed. I didn’t get a chance and this is my favorite piece of his. Upon reading his response I love it more, thanks for sharing!

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