Remember to have fun!

Professor Dan Schwarz gave an inspirational and practical talk about life in college and beyond. He talked gave advice that ranged from how to begin and continue college with the end goal in mind, to time is time, do not waste it, to laugh everyday. Among all of the advice that he imparted to us, two of them really resonated with me. 

  1. Get to know one professor every term. 

This is a goal that I still need to work on. During the first two years at Cornell, I have been in large introductory science and engineering courses. In these core classes, it is very hard to get to know your professor on a more personal level. It is definitely a challenge, but it is a challenge worth taking on. Professor Schwarz has motivated me to attend the professor’s office hours, and talk to my faculty advisor about my career goals.

2. Do not forget to have fun.

Cornell students are all very busy people, and it is very easy to forget to take time out of our busy schedules to have fun once in a while. This advice made me think of a friend’s advice to me. She asked: What memories do you want to take with you after you graduate? A few years from now, all of those all-nighters that you pulled trying to finish your problem set will not matter anymore. What you will remember are all of the friendships that you made, and the memories that you make with your friends here will be with you forever.

One thought on “Remember to have fun!

  1. I missed that lecture, but it sounds like it was valuable. It’s hard to balance discipline and delayed gratification with worry-free enjoyment. I think it’s important to try to be self-aware, not only because it lowers stress, but also because it helps you find direction.

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