How to Succeed

On Wednesday night, Dr. Schwarz presented tips for achieving success in college and beyond. He highlighted the importance of emerging as a leader, engaging in independent study, and preparing for an interview.
Most striking was Dr. Schwarz’s suggestion to keep a daily journal. He proposed that in doing so, we make ourselves accountable, gaining an awareness of how much time each day we truly allot to studying, homework, clubs, etc. I have always believed that accountability is paramount — not solely in relation to seeking individual success, but also in allowing oneself to be an engaged and honest member of a community. I think that the Cornell community at large would benefit greatly if everyone held himself accountable for his actions. When we take responsibility, then we can enact change.
Dr. Schwarz also suggested that we take time each day to laugh and reminded us to treat our bodies to physical activity. I believe that while we seek to succeed, we must also strive to live in the moment each day, connecting with ourselves, nature, and humanity.

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