

To begin, I’d just like to state that I have never blogged in my entire 20 years on this planet. I’ve always thought of blogging as an activity that those who have very interesting lives or are attention hungry engage in. This opinion of mine has begun to change over the past few weeks and I simple ask that anyone who reads my posts remember that I am new to this whole blogging thing. That being said, if I make any errors (large or small) please let me know and I will correct them.


Clarence Boyce


This evening at a nice little talk by Professor Dan Schwarz I was presented with several views on college life that actually challenged a few of the views I had in the recent past. I’ve just transferred to Cornell and to be honest it was a pain in the behind, the application process was simple but mustering up the grades and getting the recommendations required were not. In order to enter this school I spent a lot of time studying, doing homework, and generally avoiding anything I considered to be a distraction. This included clubs, study groups (I usually work better alone), and sports. When Professor Schwarz mentioned doing something fun everyday my first thought was that he was on to something, since coming to Cornell I’ve actually been able to have fun on a daily basis. Balance is important in all things and it is a critical life skill to cultivate as soon as possible because life will only get busier as time goes on. Also, I liked that he mentioned how students at Cornell seem to be masters of balancing school work and fun. I’ve noticed this myself and it still boggles my mind how the guy down the hall has a full class load, a girlfriend, plays on a sports team, and still manages to look wide awake at 7:30 in the morning while I look like that bum from the Aqualung album cover*. In essence, the most important lesson I received from the talk this evening was that College is a place to hone whatever skills you have and to find a way to create a balance in your life while you have the time to do so.

Alas, I must depart and continue studying for a quiz I have to take in the morning. If you feel so inclined I’d be very interested in hearing about what all of you took away from Professor Schwarz’s talk this evening.



*Aqualung is an album by the band Jethro Tull, I highly recommend it (especially the title track).*

2 thoughts on “Balance

  1. That’s good advice Clarence. It’s always important to find a balance in life, but I am still struggling with it, and I think a lot of people are as well.

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