As a junior, I am too old for his advice?

The one piece of advise that really stood out to me from Dan Schwarz’s session today was interviewing with alumni or any interviewer who hogs the conversation. I have in the past mistaken that to mean that the interviewer must really like me to be opening up so much to me. However, Mr. Schwarz has made me realize that scenarios like that eat away from my limited time to impress the interviewer and I need to focus on how to appropriately claim the conversation back to highlight my own skills.

However, beyond that, I don’t think Dan Schwarz said anything that I did not already feel like I knew how to do. Now this is not to say that his advice wasn’t superb, but rather that it could relate to the fact that he was speaking to a group of college students who are already in the habit of taking charge of their academic and career goals, as opposed to if he were speaking to less intellectually simulated students.

Also, as I happen to be a junior in college already, I felt like I was past the point in life where I could still take into account the advice he gave. Had I heard him speak as a freshmen or even early sophomore, I would have felt like I gained much more from the experience. Nonetheless, it was an absolute honor and privilege to spend time listening to such an accomplished and knowledgeable man.

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