Tag: Vegetables

Got the Buzz? Pollinator Week Coming Up June 20 – 26

Pollinator week — coming right up on June 20 — celebrates all pollinators. There’s honey bees, of course, but also native bees. In fact, NYS IPM-funded research has counted 104 known species alone in New York’s orchards. Of course, bees pollinate more than just orchards, and 450 species all told call New York home —…Continue Reading Got the Buzz? Pollinator Week Coming Up June 20 – 26

IPM Rewards Excellence — the Ten Eyck Connection

Each year we seek nominees for our Excellence in IPM awards. We look for people who make a difference, whether on farms, in communities, or at research sites across New York; people who care about human and ecological health and resilience.  Sometimes the abundance of stellar candidates amazes us. This was one of those years….Continue Reading IPM Rewards Excellence — the Ten Eyck Connection

Green Lacewing a Good one!!

That green fluttery insect near your porch light at night — with wings like green lace? That’s a green lacewing. Lacewings are beneficials — good insects, ones that prey on insects you don’t want. Actually, what you’ve seen is an adult lacewing; it feeds on flower nectar, pollen, and aphid honeydew. It’s the lacewing larvae…Continue Reading Green Lacewing a Good one!!